

Your furniture upholstery is bound to have dirt and stains considering it cannot be washed on a regular basis. So how can you make the fabric to look new, increase its lifespan and also maintain hygiene?

If you have been having nightmares about cleaning your curtains and upholstery as part of your Diwali preparations, here are a few tips that can help allay your fears and make this seemingly arduous task quite simple!

First of all, remember to clean the fabric without damaging it. You need to begin by removing any accumulated dust and dirt! Use a soft brush or air spray to blast out dirt. Then vacuum it well, using a nozzle to suck out the dust. Remember to go into the crevices, and clean the cushions as well.

In case of fresh spills, blot them out with a clean white cloth to absorb the liquid. Attack stains and spots first using liquid cleaners. Mild soap or detergent with a microfiber cloth is good for sturdier fabrics that do not bleed. Use minimal water to soak and not drench the fabric. You can also purchase wet cleaners from the market; just make sure that the product goes well with the fabric material.

Finally let the clean fabric dry naturally as against using mechanized dryers that can sag the yarn. If you are not confident, hire professional services to do the work for you!

Once clean, you can coat the fabric with stain deterrent sprays like ScotchGuard, so you have lesser work the next time!

